The First Look 

Hello lovelies! 

Aren’t we all tired of trying to figure out which makeup product goes where, how to apply it, and if it even really is worth the splurge?  

Here at Confidently Classy, we hope to answer all these questions for you and help you figure it all out. Be it skincare or makeup, you can count on us.

I started this blog in order to give way to my love for makeup and bring it on a platform. Truth be told I was hesitant at first but the happiness I get from this blog can’t be put into words. It’s my escape (sounds a bit cheesy but that’s true) 

There are no rights and wrongs when it comes to beauty. It’s a form of expression, art so to say. You can go about it however it feels right to you.

 And we’re here to help you with choosing the right products, entirely worth your spending.  We won’t restrict this blog to just makeup though, we’ll talk about skincare and a lot more.

Writing a blog on my passion has been one of my dreams for a very long time. I really hope my blogs are useful to all you beautiful make up lovers out there! 

Much love 


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